Kermans Blog

How to clean up your carpet after the holidays

Published: December 28, 2017

From tracked-in snow and spilled drinks to wear-and-tear from new toys and extra friction from impromptu wrestling matches, the end of the year is a notoriously busy time and it’s when your carpet floors can get really beat up.

You might have survived this year’s holiday celebrations and family visits, but did your carpeting?

family with christmas socks

Maintaining your carpet means more than just keeping up its appearance. Taking care of your carpeting is also key to determining how long it will last. Here are some best practices to keep your carpet looking as good as new.

Deal with stains as soon as possible

Spills are unavoidable, and the way you handle them will make a big difference.

Whenever it’s possible, it’s best to deal with a spill as soon as it happens (or as soon as you see it). First, blot the spill with a clean towel. Resist the urge to rub the stain because rubbing will drive the spill further into the carpet padding and ruin your carpet yarns. Always blot, blot, and then blot some more to soak up as much of the stain as possible. Once you’ve blotted up as much of the spill as you can, wet the area with clean water and blot some more to try and soak up any bits that started to dry into the carpet.

After the initial spill is absorbed, certain types of spills will require special treatment. To get out coffee, wine, fruit juice, Kool-Aid, soda, and greasy food spills, use a mix of 1/4 cup of white vinegar, one tablespoon of Dawn dish soap, and water. Spray the stain location, and blot.

Sometimes guests will be embarrassed and try to hide a stain. If you come across a large stain that is seems too challenging to deal with, call a professional.

Vacuum regularly to extend your carpet’s life

If it’s possible, clean your carpets after each holiday gathering because keeping your floors clean will prevent dirt and crumbs from building up and harming the fibers in your carpeting.

And, if you aren’t doing so already, make a New Year’s resolution to vacuum once a week with a good vacuum cleaner to keep your carpets in great shape. Here are some tips for doing it right:

  1. Start with the crevice attachment, and vacuum the edges before the rest of the carpet.
  2. Vacuum both vertically and horizontally to adequately move the carpet fibers and get up dirt that has fallen between them.
  3. Listen to the vacuum, and as long as you can hear it picking up grit and grime, keep vacuuming.

Invest in professional cleaning

Be proactive when it comes to extending the life of your carpet with professional cleaning every few months. Nothing is more welcoming than a clean house, and clean floors are a big part of making a home seem inviting.

Though you may be tempted to work on your floors yourself with a personal carpet cleaning machine, nothing can do the job as well as an expert, and their professional-grade machines and industrial chemicals. Other reasons to hire someone to help do the job? Not all carpets need the same kind of cleaning, so you can’t clean them like they are all the same. Plus, some carpet warranties require regular professional carpet cleaning.

Too worse-for-wear?

Perhaps your carpet had a particularly rough holiday season… or maybe it has gone through 15 rough holiday seasons? If there is no way to rescue your carpet, consider Kermans Flooring to help you find replacement flooring. Whether you are replacing old carpet with new carpet or considering hard surface flooring, Kermans design consultants are here to help you find the right answers.

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