Kermans Blog

Three reasons carpet is a great choice

Published: August 19, 2014

Kermans has been one of the top Indianapolis carpet stores for decades. We’ve watched trends come and go. There’s one trend that’s never gone out of style: beautiful and soft carpet.

Three reasons carpet is the choice for Indianapolis homeowners

Carpet adds warmth to a room. 

Carpet isn’t just warm underfoot, it is an insulator that helps keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Combined with a high quality carpet pad, your carpet can actually play an energy saving role in your home.

From a virtual sense, carpet also adds a warm feel – it makes a room feel more comfortable and cozy. It also quiets a space, something that can be particularly useful in an open floor plan with high celings.

Carpet is versatile and works with any decorating style.

Carpet comes in so many styles, colors and types that you can use carpet in any room of your home. Carpet styles are influenced by traffic patterns; room use; style of furniture; anticipated wear and tear; and of course color and design. You’ll want to take all of these factors into consideration when you pick carpet for your home.  Learn more about popular types of carpet.

Carpet is easy to care for.

With regular care, your carpet will last and look good for years to come. What does that carpet care entail? Regular vacuuming – at least once a week. Occasional carpet cleaning by a professional carpet cleaner – every 12-18 months. And prompt clean up of spills. Learn vacuum tips to keep your carpet looking its best.

Bonus Tip: How to clean up spills on your carpet

Central Indiana knows Kermans has a reputation for offering a wide variety of flooring at affordable pricing. Now is an excellent time to shop for area rugs at Kermans:

When you’re looking for carpet in Indianapolis, look no further than Kermans. We offer more affordable flooring than any other carpet store in Indianapolis, we call it the Kermans advantage. Stop by our showroom on the northside of Indianapolis and experience the difference shopping with a local, family-run company can make for your family.

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