Kermans Blog

Choosing wood floors? Consider color.

Published: July 18, 2013

When Indianapolis shops for wood flooring, they are often doing so because of its timeless value. A wood floor – whether hardwood, sustainable wood or engineered wood – lends a sense of natural, rustic beauty to any home. Hardwood is a beautiful flooring choice that comes in a wider variety of options than many people realize.

Let’s talk about how to get the most design value from your wood flooring selection.

Wood floors shouldn’t just be a backdrop for a room or hallway. They offer enough variations to be a design focus all their own. Plank width. Reclaimed wood. Handscraped. Grain patterns. All of these wood features lend a pattern and depth to your flooring that is a true enhancement to any decor. Color is another way to make your wood floor add some real design flair to your home.

Wood can be finished in a wide variety of whites, browns, blacks, greys and reds. Today’s trends are pointing towards very light or very dark – far away from the conventional red oak floor that ruled the wood flooring market for so many years.

Learn more about wood floor options with Kermans Online Hardwood Buyer’s Guide.

Lighter colors such as grey or even whitewash provide a beautiful canvas for bright, colorful furnishings. They can also help open up a smaller room.

Darker wood seems to be the hottest trend in wood floors today. Exotic hardwoods offer deep, rich colors not found in oak or pine. For example, eucalyptus is naturally dark for an elegant look and it is both environmentally and budget friendly. Brazilian cherry has deep red tones. Teak offers a dark brown luster. Looking for a budget-friendly way to find these exotic shades? Talk to us about engineered hardwoods or sustainable oak that can be finished to mimic the look of many woods. Dark espresso stains or ebonized wood – where the wood is stained so dark it is opaque – are simple ways to add some deep color to your wood floor.

Our design staff is available on the showroom floor to talk to you about these wood trends and options. Visit Kermans today and open your mind to the shades and colors of a hardwood floor.

Kermans Flooring retail showroom, located at 4505 E. 82nd Street in Indianapolis, showcases beauty, quality and excellence. Fashioned with interior design in mind, Kermans believes in carrying only the finest names and selections at affordable prices for our clients and designers. Learn more about the Kermans Advantage.

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